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Big Water Marina | Lake Hartwell

Big Water Marina, located in Starr, South Carolina is one of our current favorite projects because of it’s location on on Lake Hartwell. A project with over 450 total acres when complete. This phase was a bit smaller with us clearing 3 Acres of land before grading and and moving the 25,000 cubic yards of dirt. Storm Drainage and stabilization measures were part of the scope of work.


In this phase we set 68′ feet of 24″ pre-cast pipe, 32′ of 30″ O-Ring and 48′ Feet of 15″RCP.
In the future phases we will be adding water and sewer infrastructure for the units along with roads, stone and parking pads.

The Big Water Marina project will be a premier Camp Ground, RV and Boat Storage Facility, with it’s lake access.


We brought a couple of our big toys to this project. They included two Off-road Bell Trucks, one 61 Dozer, our roller and a 360 Track Hoe.

The team at TD Craft Grading enjoys working on many different types of projects. Be sure to check out some of our other project spotlights. We would love to have your project be our next one.


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