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Erosion Control

Erosion Control For VICKERY STATION

Erosion Control is a primary component of our sub-division grading projects. The Vickery Station development located in Woodruff, South Carolina is a 100 Acre sub-division project, with almost 250 homes planned.

The TD Craft Grading Team moved in to the project clearing over 40 Acres of land. Then we turned our focus towards moving about 200,000 cubic yards of dirt! Carving and building ponds and carving pads and roads for our development partner. Erosion Control was part of our scope of work, putting large diversion swales to control the flow throughout the site.


We are often asked about the equipment that used on each project. Every project is unique which is why we review and discover the best equipment to deploy on each job. On this project we dispatched Four of the TD Craft Off-road trucks, our roller, Two 61 GPS Dozers, One 51GPS Dozer and Two 360 Track Hoes. This project is located on Highway 221 in Woodruff, SC.


The team at TD Craft Grading enjoys working on many different types of projects. Be sure to check out some of our other project spotlights. We would love to have your project be our next one.


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